installation-film still

You Are Another Me—A Cathedral of the Body

Adina Pintilie

Artist and filmmaker Adina Pintilie’s multimedia project You Are Another Me—A Cathedral of the Body marks the latest stage of her decade-spanning research on the politics and poetics of intimacy and the body, developed through multiple artistic languages and embracing togetherness beyond borders and binaries.

In 2022, Adina Pintilie was selected to represent Romania at the 2022 Venice Art Biennial. On that occasion, the artist created a series of new works, a six-channel film installation, a cinematic sculpture and a VR installation, that are currently presented here at Kunsthalle Bega, for the first time in Romania, in the Opening of the Cultural Program of Timișoara 2023 European Capital of Culture.

While contributing to the current conversations reassessing the normative in gender, sexuality, bodily ability and diversity, Pintilie’s distinctive perspective is conveyed through a particular visual universe, aesthetics, and a trust-building methodology, as well as a rethinking of the role and power of the moving image. Her artistic process emerges from her personal experiences and research, and is nurtured by long- term collaboration and bonds with her protagonists. It explores the central role of intimacy in the everyday and desires to open a site of self-reflexive processes for the visitors. In the spirit of the Mayan greeting In Lak’ech Ala K’in – You Are Another Me, the project places connection to our own body and the bodies of others at the center of our personal and political lives.

While you may enter and exit the exhibitionin your own time, we suggest you experience the works for their entire duration.

Adina Pintilie
You Are Another Me—A Cathedral of the Body

Exhibition dates
February 17–April 30, 2023

February 16, 2023

Opening hours
12 am – 6 pm
Closed on mondays & sundays

On the opening weekend (February 17-19, 2023)
12 am – 6 pm

Exhibition Venues
Kunsthalle Bega
Calea Circumvalațiunii 10, Timișoara 300254, Romania

Adina Pintilie
You Are Another Me—A Cathedral of the Body
Tu ești un alt eu – O catedrală a corpului

Artist: Adina Pintilie
Curators: Cosmin Costinaș și Viktor Neumann
Performers: Hermann Müller, Dirk Lange, Christian Bayerlein, Grit Uhlemann, Laura Benson, Hanna Hofmann
Project Manager: Andreea Drăghicescu
Creative Producer: Bianca Oana
Co-producers: Alina Cristescu, Andreea Drăghicescu, Bogdan Rața
Exhibition Design & Technical Director: Martin Backhaus
Director of Photography: George Chiper-Lillemark
Sound Designer: Manuel Grandpierre
Sound Mix: Manuel Grandpierre, Marius Leftărache, Vlad Feneșan
Artistic Consultant for Sound: Bernhard Maisch
Music: Blixa Bargeld, Einstürzende Neubauten, Diana Miron, Throbbing Gristle, Marcel Pérès & Ensemble Organum
2nd Camera Cinematographer: Laurențiu Răducanu
3nd Camera Cinematographer: Dragoș Hanciu
Set Designer: Adrian Cristea
Costume Designer: Maria Pitea
Script Supervisor: Andra Bărbuică
VR Installation Design: Augmented Space Agency (Ciprian Făcăeru, Sabin Șerban, Dan Făcăeru)
Light & Video Sculpture Design: H3 (Andrei Mitișor, Marius Dumitrașcu, Răzvan Pascu)
Architecture: Bogdan Rața
Production Assistants: Loredana Ilie, Ana Foltuțiu
Assistants: Cristina Cebotari, Denis Cristorian, Ana Messer, Petru Opruț Financial Coordinators: Maria Gabriela Mitrofan, Doina Gogan, Loredana Sorică
Accountancy: Cristina Serafim, Katharina Thoms

Mediation & Education: Daniel Neugebauer, Larisa Oancea
Cultural Mediators: Alisha Lovin, Tudor Mutrescu, Tudor Dumitru Udroiu, Sorin Ștefan Valea
Head of Communication: Tiana Alexe
Communication Executive: Geta Petrovici
Social Media: Andreea Tiriplică
Graphic Design: Ugron Lajos
Website Development: Lucian Sava, Hannah Shypovych
Translation: Bertha Savu, Larisa Oancea

You Are Another Me—A Cathedral of the Body is part of the Opening of Timișoara 2023 – European Capital of Culture and financed by the Municipality of Timișoara through the Center for Projects.
A project produced by: Manekino Film, Asociația Culturală Manekino, Kunsthalle Bega și Fundația Calina, Centrul de Proiecte al Municipiului Timișoara
Co-producers: Avanpost, Snaporazverein
In collaboration with: Eidotech, H3, Augmented Space Agency
Main partner: BRD Groupe Société Générale
Supported by: Institutul Cultural Român
Institutional partner: Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) Berlin
Academic partners: UNATC – Universitatea Națională de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică București, CINETic – Centrul Internațional de Cercetare și Educație în Tehnologii Inovativ Creative, Universitatea de Vest Timișoara – Facultatea de Arte și Design Timișoara
Private partners: BEGA Grup, Tudor Havriliuc & David Corbell, Andrei Dunca
Catalogue and public programme partners: Kilobase, Dispozitiv Books, Motivation Romania Foundation, Mozaiq Association
Liked by Radio Guerrilla
Media and monitoring partners: TVR, Radio Guerrilla, Radio România Cultural, Europa Liberă România, Radio România Internațional, Deutsche Welle, Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung, Revista Arta, Scena9, Kajet Journal, Observator Cultural, Propagarta, Libertatea, Elle, Avantaje,, The Institute, LiterNet,, mediaTRUST
Acknowledgements: Mihai Pop, Mihaela Lutea, Andrei Tănăsescu, Attila Kim, Ulla Hahn, Cristina Serafim, Dragoș Olea, Sandra Demetrescu, Blixa Bargeld, Dan Vișovan, Alexandru Luca

For media enquiries / 0732.048.411

For general enquiries
Facebook | Instagram: @cathedralofthebody
YouTube: You Are Another Me—A Cathedral of the Body
Facebook | Instagram: @kunsthallebega
YouTube: Fundatia Calina


Strobe lighting and other bright, flashing lights can trigger photosensitive epilepsy or similar conditions. Please consult the exhibition attendants for more information.

Capacitate maximă

Maximum capacity:
Please ask the exhibition custodians for information about maximum visitor capacity.

conținut nud explicit

Attention: The work contains explicit nude content which may not be suitable for visitors under 18 unless accompanied by an adult

Scaune pliante și scaune cu rotile disponibile

Folding chairs and wheelchairs available
Please ask an exhibition custodian for assistance
