olah gyarfas

Szénaizmok szalaghegyen Mușchi de fân pe munte de panglici

Szénaizmok szalaghegyen
Mușchi de fân pe munte de panglici

27 11 2020 – 24 01 2021

The creatures of OlahGyárfás spend their time opening and closing a transitional universe1. An intermediary and “potential” place, as Winnicott states, where you experiment the idea of autonomy and creativity, your particular existence. It is a place where you can play and have fun, which helps you to endure ruptures, transitions and the idea of otherness, while compensating the loss of the whole’s illusion. There are archaic, ferocious, disturbing and paradoxical fantasies.
Crocote and Leucrocote2, Haystacks and On the Mountain of Ribbons3 have got some fur from scales, and organs made of hay at view; the neck, tail and chest of the wolf, the back of the donkey, a large mouth stretching to its ears and an unbroken bone instead of its teeth. They have got soft and mobile horns, eyes in their hoof, goat fringes and the paws of a dog. They have got warrior skins, bandaged in some cloth, and they could imitate the human voice in a delicate way.

They are made of wood, hemp, flour and hay, quoi de plus doux (what can be much milder?) Their materiality is the attribute which makes you be their friend. They are domestic animals.

1D.W. Winnicott, Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena – A Study of the First Not-Me Possession in: International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1953, 34:89-97
2Crocote and Leucrocote are imaginary beings described by Ctesias, ArtaxserxeMnemon’s doctor. Borges refers to him when citing Pliniu (VIII, 3˚) in his book published at the Polirom Publishing House, 2006, p. 263.
3 Szénaizmok and Szalaghegyen, translated as Haystacks and On the Mountain of Ribbons.